Planning Board of Adjustment
New Planning Board of Adjustment
At the regular meeting held on March 21, 2023, the Woodfin Town Council voted to combined the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment into a single Planning Board of Adjustment (PBOA).  The new PBOA is a seven-member board that performs the functions of both a Planning Board and a Board of Adjustment, hearing both legislative and quasi-judicial matters.  All members are appointed by the Woodfin Town Council and serve staggered three-year terms.  The PBOA meets on the first Tuesday of every month beginning at 6 p.m.  Meetings are held at Woodfin Town Hall located at 90 Elk Mountain Road. 
Actions of a Planning Board (legislative matters)
Planning Boards are advisory in nature and make recommendations to the governing board (Woodfin Town Council) regarding various legislative applications including zoning text and map amendments.  Planning Boards also prepare and recommend changes to the comprehensive plan, review subdivision plats, and facilitate citizen engagement in the planning process.

Actions of a Board of Adjustment (quasi-judicial matters)
Boards of Adjustment make final decisions on quasi-judicial applications including variances, special use permits and appeals of staff decisions.  Quasi-judicial hearings require sworn testimony from the applicant and persons directly and substantially affected by the outcome of the case.  The board makes their decision based on competent, material, and substantial evidence presented by all parties to the case. 

Name Planning Board Board of Adjustment Term
Michael B. Hayes Chair Chair 05/2023 - 05/2026
Scott Hanson Vice Chair Alternate 05/2023 - 05/2026
Stephanie Gosnell Regular Member Regular Member 05/2023 - 05/2024
Chris DeRonne Regular Member Regular Member 05/2023 - 05/2026
Larry Hopkins Regular Member Regular Member 05/2023 - 05/2024
Glenda Overbeck Regular Member Regular Member 05/2023 - 05/2026
Kennedy Young Regular Member Alternate 05/2023 - 05/2024

The Planning Board of Adjustment meets the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at Woodfin Town Hall or by special meeting called by the Chairperson.