Zoning Resources & Map
Steep Slope Parcels-
To learn more about the Town of Woodfin's steep slope ordinance, click on the brochure below.

Need to download or print the steep slope brochure? Select the image below. 
Cover of Steep Slope Brochure (11 x 8.5 in) FINAL - Copy (2)

Steep slopes are defined as:
(1) any lot, parcel, tract or portion thereof, that has a natural elevation of 2,200 feet above mean sea level or higher and has an average natural slope of 20 percent or greater,
(2) that has a natural elevation of 3,000 feet above mean sea level or higher, regardless of slope.
Steep Slope Ordinance Updated 9/2023

Outdoor Lighting - Chp 26
Signs - Chp 34
Stormwater - Chp 41
Subdivision Ordinance - Chp 46
Zoning Ordinance - Chp 54

Maps - 
Woodfin Zoning Map
Future Land Use Map (FLUM) 

Regulated Flood Plains - Check your zone

Floods occur naturally and can happen almost anywhere.  They may not even be near a body of water, although river and coastal flooding are two of the most common types.  The Town has a Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance that is administered by Buncombe County Planning & Development.  Specific questions regarding potential development and construction within a flood zone need to be directed to their office.